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Richmond: 804-673-8044 Email:

Full Service Kitchen & Bath Design and Installation

Listing ID:


This full-service kitchen and bath design/build business aims to exceed the expectations of customers desiring quality workmanship, innovative design, plus high value choices in cabinetry, countertops, surfacing, flooring. plumbing and appliances Be it granite or laminate, wood or tile, Whirlpool or Viking, stock or totally custom, renovation or new construction, this company provides customers the best possible value and service.

The company's 1st class reputation, wide range of price points in quality products and its custom cabinet shop have served loyal customers in multiple generations and locations, including out of the area installations, for well over 30 years


Industry: Manufacturing | Engineering | Construction
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
Annual Revenue: $1,329,618
Asking Price: $285,000
Annual Cash Flow: $83,694
Listing Agent:
Phone: 804-323-5200